Domestic help in India in their ancient form were a cortège of servants symbolic of the social status of a wealthy individual or clan. The numbers of employed domestic helps have certainly reduced to make it easier on the organizational front. Once considered as a luxury, hiring a domestic help or a house maid in India has become a necessity for the growing number of nuclear working families. As the corporate culture is growing in India, a professional help called a house maid is a preferred relief to the families who find it difficult to manage their household activities along with their work timings and office schedules. The available domestic help include cleaners, nannies, cooks, drivers and gardeners. In the western and European countries, hiring a domestic help or even a baby sitter proves to be quite expensive. A domestic help or house maid is the best possible solution that provides the tender care only a human can provide to the family and the kid in the family. The advised process of hiring a domestic help in India begins with shortlisting the reasons for requirement of a house maid, the daily chores you plan for the domestic help and the wage you can afford to pay. Then you can approach a professional house maid hiring agency and register for a domestic help requirement. The advantage of getting a professional to intervene is that since they are from the field, you can rely on them and get a full-trained or semi-trained or untrained house maid according to your need and a responsible agency answerable in case of any problem.
The domestic help provides an easier life style, as your daily chores become less time consuming and less tiring in case you have a help. A house maid is usually trained to look after small kids in the family that itself is great assurance for a mother managing an entire house along with the responsibilities of a baby and job. However the disadvantages come in the form of loss of privacy, finding a reliable house maid, avoiding the personal problems the domestic help might face, getting work done meticulously and completely hassle free etc. The wages of a domestic help are dependent on the training status of the maid, your locality and how far it is from the housemaid's home in case of part timers, the household chores handled and more. In an average however, it has been surveyed the salaries for domestic help especially in India are pathetically low.